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Kids jungle gym outdoor

Kids jungle gym outdoor

By Products
Kids jungle gym outdoor

Kids jungle gym outdoor

Do you want to create a kids jungle gym outdoor that inspires children of all ages to play, exercise and socialize? NOORD’s versatile products are suitable for schools and playgrounds and can be used by both children and adults regardless of fitness level.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

A-Frame Cargo Net

Productnr.: NO-101

Balance Beam

Productnr.: NO-102

Horizontal Ladder Single

Productnr.: NO-103

Horizontal Ladder Double

Productnr.: NO-104

Incline Wall Single

Productnr.: NO-105

Incline Wall Double

Productnr.: NO-106

Irish Table

Productnr.: NO-107

Jungle Walk Single

Productnr.: NO-108

Jungle Walk

Productnr.: NO-109

Wire Obstacle Single

Productnr.: NO-110

Wire Obstacle Double

Productnr.: NO-111

Over-Under Over Beam

Productnr.: NO-112

Over-Under Under Beam

Productnr.: NO-113


Productnr.: NO-114

Rope Climb

Productnr.: NO-115

Three Steps Of Beams

Productnr.: NO-116

Versatile fitness equipment for kids jungle gym outdoor

The vision behind NOORD’s outdoor fitness equipment is that it should be for everyone. Our versatile equipment can therefore be used as outdoor playground equipment as well as training equipment regardless of age, training level and ambitions.

Each product can be used for a variety of training and play purposes and are intuitive and inspiring to use. Our main goal is to create opportunities to use green spaces in active, social and not least fun ways.

We have supplied our products to schools, playgrounds, parks and housing associations, among others. If you also dream of creating a kids outdoor jungle gym, you’ve come to the right place.

Kids jungle gym outdoor

We help you create your dream outdoor space

At NOORD, we have many years of experience with outdoor training equipment and many successful projects behind us. Our talented team is ready to help you choose the right products and create a kids jungle gym outdoor that will be a hit with local children.

Our product range includes more than 20 unique products in stylish Scandinavian design, and you can choose from one product and up, depending on space and budget.

You can choose our kids gymnastics equipment for your outdoor jungle gym for kids in as many as 180 different standard colors, so you can easily create an outdoor space that matches your surroundings and preferences. We work with you from the idea phase and create a 3D visualization of your space so we are confident in the design before implementation.

Robust kids jungle gym outdoor with minimal maintenance

We know that an outdoor jungle gym for kids needs to be able to withstand a little bit of everything. That’s why our products are made from robust materials that last for many years with minimal maintenance.

This allows your kids jungle gym outdoor to be more or less self-sufficient and accessible to everyone 24 hours a day. This creates flexibility and the opportunity for children in the local area to have a natural gathering point that encourages healthy activity and fresh air.

We have already collaborated with customers such as worked BIGSINAI and OPLAND and would be happy to work with you on your kids outdoor jungle gym as well.

Kids jungle gym outdoor
Read more about our projects
Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Welcome to a huge project on 5.5 hectares in the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, which will be a new recreational offer for the...

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Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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Contact Us

NOORD is your professional business partner. Our team has many years of experience in creating sustainable and aesthetic fitness and playground equipment for people of all ages.

Outdoor gym ideas

Outdoor gym ideas

By Products
Outdoor gym ideas

Outdoor gym ideas

NOORD outdoor training equipment is aesthetic, versatile and provides plenty of outdoor gym ideas. Check out our products and find inspiration for how you can use outdoor areas for physical activity and play.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

At NOORD we believe, that a successful project starts with a good collaboration. We would love to help you all the way from the idea phase to the finished solution. Our graphic designers will help you visualise your idea with af 3D drawing and our project managers help you select the right equipment.

Fitness equipment that inspires for outdoor gym ideas

At NOORD, you’ll find more than 20 outdoor training products to decorate an outdoor area at a school, housing association or public space.

The vision behind our products is that they should be inviting and intuitive to use, and not least they should inspire outdoor gym ideas rather than limit.

Each product can be used for several different types of play and training regardless of fitness level and ambitions. It is our hope that our outdoor fitness equipment can inspire and invite you to use green spaces in an active and social way.

Outdoor gym ideas

Our outdoor gym ideas

There are plenty of outdoor gym ideas that require nothing more than space and that you can easily do outside. You can do the following exercises, among others:

  • Burpees
  • Leg raises
  • Plank
  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Walking lunges

For other popular exercises like pull ups, you need training equipment, and the right equipment can also make exercising outside more fun and intense.

Bringing training equipment together in one place creates a space for people to meet, train and socialize, which increases motivation and the sense of community in the local area. This is precisely the vision of NOORD’s products. They are for everyone, regardless of age and fitness level, and they are freely available to anyone who wants to use them – around the clock.

Design an outdoor training area to suit your needs

If you want to design an outdoor area that inspires and provides plenty of outdoor gym ideas, at NOORD you can choose from one to more than 20 unique training products.

The products for an outside gym are available in 180 different standard colors, giving you the opportunity to customize the training area to your surroundings and preferences.

Whether you want to create an exercise area in your backyard, playground, housing association or park, our aesthetic, functional and durable products are a great choice. We have many different types of customers, and have worked with BIGSINAI and OPLAND to create training areas that inspire outdoor gym ideas.

Outdoor gym ideas
Read more about our projects
Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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Contact Us

NOORD is your professional business partner. Our team has many years of experience in creating sustainable and aesthetic fitness equipment and we are happy to be help you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor jungle gym

By Products
outdoor jungle gym

Outdoor jungle gym

Our equipment is ideal for outdoor jungle gym for both children and adults. The products are characterized by their versatility and are suitable for both play and training. They can each be used for a wide range of different types of training regardless of fitness level.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

A-Frame Cargo Net

Productnr.: NO-101

Balance Beam

Productnr.: NO-102

Horizontal Ladder Single

Productnr.: NO-103

Horizontal Ladder Double

Productnr.: NO-104

Incline Wall Single

Productnr.: NO-105

Incline Wall Double

Productnr.: NO-106

Irish Table

Productnr.: NO-107

Jungle Walk Single

Productnr.: NO-108

Over-Under Under Beam

Productnr.: NO-113


Productnr.: NO-114

Rope Climb

Productnr.: NO-115

Three Steps Of Beams

Productnr.: NO-116

Jungle Walk

Productnr.: NO-109

Wire Obstacle Single

Productnr.: NO-110

Wire Obstacle Double

Productnr.: NO-111

Over-Under Over Beam

Productnr.: NO-112

Ideas and inspiration for outdoor jungle gym

At NOORD you can choose from more than 20 different training products. Whether you’re setting up a small or large area for outdoor jungle gym, our skilled team is ready to help you create an outdoor space that matches your vision.

We work with you from the concept phase to the finished solution, and we use our broad expertise to advise you on your choice of outdoor fitness equipment.

You can download all the DWG files for the project so that you can implement them in your drawing or planning programme. You can do this whether you’re planning a major project for a park, playground or school, or working on a smaller project for the backyard. You can find the files under each product.

Aesthetics meets functionality

At NOORD, we create outdoor jungle gym equipment that combines aesthetics, functionality and durability. Outdoor training equipment for frequent play and training should be robust and easy to maintain.

With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, we are dedicated to creating equipment in quality materials that excel in robustness and versatility, so they can be used by both children and adults for a variety of purposes.

Our equipment is therefore weatherproof and requires little or no maintenance. At the same time, it is designed in a minimalistic and aesthetic Scandinavian design that fits into most environments and is welcoming to users.

Sustainable outdoor jungle gym equipment for endless fun

At NOORD, we pride ourselves on delivering sustainable products that are both designed and produced in Scandinavia, where we are based. This way we can ensure that our high standards for responsible and sustainable production are met.

With our outdoor jungle gym products, we are taking part in a greener future where outdoor spaces are used optimally for training and socializing. Our sports series has the highest environmental certification A+ in the Swedish SundaHus.

Part of our sustainable profile is also built on creating long-lasting products from robust materials. This allows for (almost) endless fun and exercise in the great outdoors.

You can read more about our general environmental profile here.

Outdoor jungle gym

Who can use our equipment?

NOORD’s outdoor jungle gym equipment is suitable for a wide range of purposes. Our customers range from schools, municipalities and other public institutions to private architects, universities and housing associations.

The versatility of the products not only relates to training purposes, but also design options. They are available in 180 different standard colors, allowing you to create a training area that matches your taste and needs.

Among others, we have collaborated with BIGSINAIOPLANDOutdoor Fitness Equipment and many others.

Read more about our projects

Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Welcome to a huge project on 5.5 hectares in the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, which will be a new recreational offer for the...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place.  Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be help you when you need advice or sparring for your outdoor jungle gym project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Outdoor fitness equipment

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Outdoor fitness equipment

At Noord, you’ll find designs and solutions for weatherproof outdoor fitness equipment that are perfect for most outdoor areas with minimal maintenance, like a playground, park, public fitness areas, a private backyard and for schools.

Aesthetics, functionality and high quality for workout, sport and home gym.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

At NOORD, a successful project starts with a good collaboration. We can help you all the way from the initial idea to the finished project. We are an outdoor fitness manufacturer, and our skilled project managers and graphic designers help you visualise and select the equipment that best suits your needs.

We provide a finished 3D drawing of the entire area so that you as a customer can easily see what the finished project will look like.

Street workout - Inspiration and ideas for fitness outside

At NOORD, we try to make the process from idea to finished project as easy as possible. We, as a outdoor fitness manufacturer, have therefore created a number of suggestions with prices that can be used as inspiration for your upcoming project. We will find the perfect solution with our weatherproof outdoor gym equipment or park furniture for your workout, sport, exercise spot, training space.

You can download all the DWG files for the project so that you can implement them in your drawing or planning programme. This is regardless of whether your project is for a backyard, school, public fitness, park or a playground.  You can also find DWG files of the individual series.

outdoor fitness equipment

Premium outdoor exercise equipment for a complete workout experience

At NOORD, as a outdoor fitness manufacturer, design and sell outdoor exercise equipment with premium quality for schools, municipalities as well as private.

With a commitment to top-quality materials and over 30 years of expertise in the outdoor workout industry, NOORD ensures your outdoor sport equipment is not only functional and durable but also visually appealing. We have spent decades improving our outdoor exercise equipment and workout areas and has through insights from both newcomers and pros in street workout, managed to set new standards worldwide.

With weatherproof outdoor gym equipment you can do an outside decoration of a backyard, playground, public fitness area, a park, rooftops, school and much more.

NOORD is one of the leading choices within outdoor exercise equipment by architects, city planners and designers

NOORD’s outdoor exercise equipment is the preferred choice among landscape architects, city planners, designers, and private stakeholders looking to transform urban landscapes into vibrant exercise hubs. Known for its seamless integration, our outdoor sport equipment effortlessly enhances various settings, including city centers, luxury resorts, university campuses, and urban street workout areas.

Prominent landscape architect firms have emphasized the versatility of our outdoor exercise equipment as one of the most important factors when choosing NOORD. Our exercise equipment does not only complement diverse environments but also adds aesthetic appeal and functional value.

Numerous landscape architects, communities, urban planners, and park designers recognize the benefits of installing our outdoor workout equipment to promote healthier lifestyles and create active spaces. It offers everyone the freedom to exercise anytime, anywhere, without the need for a costly gym membership.

Trust NOORD, as a outdoor fitness manufacturer to deliver innovative workout solutions that align with your vision for creating vibrant, inclusive outdoor environments catering to diverse needs.

outdoor fitness equipment

Integrating our outdoor workout equipment into your planning process is a seamless 'plug and play' experience

Access all necessary resources, including 3D models, DWG-files, and detailed product descriptions on our website. Find relevenat information about each specific workout equipment by navigating to the ‘Downloads’ section under each product. If you encounter any difficulty or cannot find the required information about our outdoor workout equipment, feel free to reach out to us through our contact page.

Outdoor workout equipment gets more and more popular

Outdoor workout equipment gets more and more popular, especially in public spaces like parks, recreational areas, universities, and hotel outdoor facilities. This trend, fueled by an increased emphasis on promoting physical activity and community health, aims to make exercise more accessible to a diverse audience. Outdoor workout equipment offers individuals a chance to participate in physical activity within an informal and open environment, fostering outdoor exercise and social interaction.

Why train outdoors and invest in fitness equipment?

Outdoor fitness equipment allows you to exercise, have fun and get plenty of fresh air all at the same time. With weatherproof outdoor gym equipment, it’s also possible to decorate urban outdoor areas that encourage play, exercise and activity.

We focus on the aesthetics of our outdoor products because it matters what you fill your outdoor areas with. It creates both a healthier outdoor environment as well as a social gathering place, and the closest residents have 24-hour access to this outdoor fitness equipment.

Sustainable equipment with minimal maintenance

Our outdoor fitness equipment is produced and designed in Scandinavia. We are proud to offer aesthetic and sustainable products that is produced close to our consumers, minimizing CO2 emissions from transport.
We are part of the greener future, where we utilize our outdoor spaces optimally, actively and socially. We do this with products and equipment that are designed with respect for the environment. Our sports serie has the highest environmental certification of A+ in the Swedish SundaHus. We therefore strive for both social and climate-friendly sustainability.
You can read more about our weatherproof outdoor gym equipment and our generel sustainability profile.

Who needs outdoor fitness equipment?

At Noord, we have several different types of customers, ranging from public institutions, schools and private architects to housing associations and beyond. Our outdoor fitness equipment can be customised to the circumstances and areas you have available, whether it’s a playground, park, public fitness area, backyard or any other outside workout, sport or gym spot.

We offer our products in 180 different standard colors, so you can design and select the perfect equipment for your outdoor space. Every project is different and unique, which we fully embrace in order to find the perfect unique solution for you.

As a outdoor fitness manufacturer we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr, Outdoor Fitness Equipment and many others.

Read more about our projects

Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

free calisthenics workout

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Free calisthenics workout

With a free calisthenics workout, you use your own body weight and gravity to challenge your fitness level. This is a great way to strengthen your body while also training endurance and cardio.

At NOORD, we sell high-quality equipment that is both functional and aesthetic. This is the perfect starting point for an outdoor training area where people of all ages can gather and work out together.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We make high-quality equipment that can be used for home gym equipment or a free calisthenics workout. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your next project.

Effective and free calisthenics workout

At NOORD, we want to design outdoor training areas that provide the framework for an optimal workout. This can be done by facilitating a free calisthenics workout, where you can use equipment such as our Spirer Battle Rope or Monkey Bar to have a fun and different workout. Inside our products you will also find inspiration for what exercises you can do on our equipment.

Calisthenics is a form of exercise where you use gravity and your own body weight to challenge yourself. You can therefore easily adjust the exercises to suit your fitness level. If you’re consistent with your workouts, you’ll notice how you can do more and more repetitions or increase the difficulty of the exercises.

We have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others to develop our equipment, designs and much more.

outdoor fitness equipment

Free calisthenics workout plan

We’ve created a free calisthenics workout plan where you can get inspiration for what exercises you can do. The plan takes place over 4 weeks where you do these workouts three times a week.

Workout 1:

  • 10 leg raises
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 30 second plank
  • 5 burpees

Workout 2:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 dips

Workout 3:

  • 15 squats
  • 15 walking lunges
  • 45 seconds plank

You can adjust how many repetitions you do and gradually increase the number week by week.

Do you need equipment for a free training area?

If you want a training area for schools, parks or other public spaces, we can help you find the right solution. Our equipment can be used by both children and adults, where we customize the training area to suit the purpose. That’s why our equipment is meant for both free calisthenics workouts as well as add-ons for playgrounds in institutions.

This way, we always ensure that our training equipment lives up to expectations and safety. In addition, it is made from 100% recyclable steel and with a focus on sustainable production. You can read more about sustainability profile here here

Read more about our projects
Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

training space

Park furniture

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Create a functional training space

We design solutions for your training space that are customized to your needs, based on the equipment you need. Our architects design inspiring outdoor spaces for activity.

Find everything from OCR products and solutions to fitness equipment.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

Contact our design consultant, who will guide you through the process from concept to finished installed project.

We have many years of experience in creating everything from 3D generated and architect designed solutions to implementing the design proposals with our high quality products.

Inspiration for your outdoor training space

Create the inspiring, functional and aesthetic training space. For us, training is not just training. Exercise can be enjoyed in the company of others, outdoors, and for free. That’s why we have created well-functioning outdoor equipment that can be placed anywhere from schools and institutions to parks and other public spaces.

Our products for your training space are created with respect for nature, which is why they are minimalist and simple and fit into most environments. We tailor all solutions to your project, which is why we have more than 180 different shades and colors for you to choose from.

As a outdoor fitness manufacturer for training space we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.

outdoor fitness equipment

Collaborating with schools, institutions, housing associations and municipalities

We provide creative and functional solutions for training space to our customers, which range from municipalities and government agencies to schools, housing associations and much more. Therefore, we know that every need and project is different.

We produce high-quality equipment that withstands a lot of wear and tear as well as wind and weather. That’s why it’s great equipment for all kinds of outdoor areas where locals gather for activity and exercise.

Find inspiration in our products in everything from our outdoor crossfit equipment and calisthenics gym.

Read more about our projects

Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

The Scandinavian Center in Aarhus offers free outdoor training In Aarhus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise and work out outdoors. One of the places where it is possible...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

park furniture

Park furniture

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Park furniture

Find the perfect park furniture at NOORD – Aesthetic outdoor gym equipment with minimal maintenance. We offer high quality equipment within the highest standards.

Create activity and interaction outdoors with the right eqiupment.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

Noord helps you find the perfect setup with your park furniture. Contact us for advice and guidance on your project, and together we will find the best solution.

We offer 3D drawings of your project in advance so you can visualize your park or outdoor area.

Customized unique outdoor areas with fitness equipment

With the right park furniture, equipment and activities, you can create a space for socializing and physical activity for locals. Our catalog offers a wide variety of installations and equipment, all created in a simple and elegant design that can be produced in more than 180 shades and colors. This gives you the opportunity to integrate your park furniture with its surroundings.

Our team includes architects, designers and craftsmen who work every day to set up this outdoor training equipment. We also produce OCR products, equipment for schools and institutions and much more. All in collaboration with outdoor fitness manufacturers such as ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.

outdoor fitness equipment

Sustainable design solutions at park furniture

We have a strong focus on sustainability, whether it’s in our design, expression, production or partners. Our production takes place in Scandinavia, which also means that your park furniture is produced under the highest standards.

In addition, our products are created weatherproof and with minimal maintenance, so they last for many years to come. Our primary mission with products like these is to create social sustainability and activity in nature.

Find inspiration from our previous cases or the gallery to get an insight into our previous work and results.


Read more about our projects
Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

The Scandinavian Center in Aarhus offers free outdoor training In Aarhus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise and work out outdoors. One of the places where it is possible...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Parallel bar dips

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Parallel bar dips

Parallel bar dips can be an effective exercise to strengthen triceps, biceps and shoulder. It is therefore a great exercise for those who want to increase upper body strength. In addition, it can be adapted to your training level, whether you are a beginner or advanced.

At NOORD, we design and develop equipment that can be used to train the whole body.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

At NOORD we produce equipment to training areas for public authorities, municipalities, schools and other institutions. We’re always ready to help you bring your ideas to life.

How to do Parallel bar dips

Here’s a guide on how to do parallel bar dips:
  • Start by standing between the handles of the bar. You should stand with your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Then take one hand on each side of the bar.
  • Lean forward slightly and lift yourself up by your arms so that your legs don’t touch the ground.
  • Then quietly lower your body again without your legs hitting the ground. You may have to bend your legs if the bar is not high enough.
  • Push your body back up and repeat the exercise.
outdoor fitness equipment

What other Parallel Bar exercises can you do?

There are many other exercises you can do besides parallel bar dips. On our site you can always find inspiration for exercises that you can do on our equipment. Other examples of exercises could be:

  • Squats, with hands placed on the bar
  • Leg raises, where you hang from the bar and lift your legs up towards your stomach
  • Pull-ups, where you place your feet on the floor and hands on the bar. Then pull your body up towards the bar and lower it again.

Read more about outdoor gym equipment, Calisthenics near me or get inspired by a free calisthenics workout.

Benefits of doing this exercise

There are many benefits to doing Parallel bar dips. As well as working the muscles in your shoulders and arms, you’ll also increase the strength of your back, stomach and chest. It is therefore a great exercise for those who train the upper body.

As a outdoor workout manufacturer we have collaborated with ZYSCOVICH,  SINAIOPLAND, BIG, schønherr and many others.

Read more about our projects
Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Welcome to a huge project on 5.5 hectares in the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, which will be a new recreational offer for the...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

calisthenics near me

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Calisthenics near me

If you want to try a fun and different workout, search for: “calisthenics near me” or “calisthenics park near me”. Here you will find a training area near you where you can do an effective and fun challenge using only your own body weight and gravity. This can be challenging and can be adjusted to your fitness level to give you a good and different kind of exercise.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We produce equipment that facilitates calisthenics for public authorities, housing associations, schools and other institutions and help you find the best solution for the outdoor space you have available.

Where can I find calisthenics gym near me?

Calisthenics is a form of exercise where you use your body weight to challenge yourself through different exercises. These can be pull-ups, push-ups or squats, for example, so you don’t necessarily need to use equipment. However, it makes the workout a lot more fun if you can use equipment such as ropes or a bar to increase the difficulty of your exercises. 

If you want to find calisthenics near me, try researching local parks or school grounds to see if they have equipment you can use for training. This way you can use the area as an outdoor gym where you can strengthen your body. Search for “calisthenics gym near me” and discover a new way to work out.

At NOORD we collaborate with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and more.
outdoor fitness equipment

Find calisthenics near Dallas

If you live in Dallas (Texas) and are looking for “calisthenics near me”, we’ve gathered the best suggestions for parks where you can train outdoors:

  • Outdoor Gym Germany Park
  • White Rock Lake
  • Bachman Lake Outdoor Gym
  •  Calisthenics Park Balch Springs
  • Vitruvian Park


NOORD is a Scandinavian company that designs, develops, and manufactures sports equipment for public parks, schools, and other public spaces. All our products are made from 100% recyclable steel and we are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible.

When you work with us, you also get equipment that is extremely durable. In this way, we develop products that can last for many years and require minimal maintenance.

Read more about calisthenics gym or full body calisthenics workout or find your answer for “calisthenics near me” by searching on the map in your area.

Read more about our projects
Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

full body calisthenics workout

By Products
outdoor fitness equipment

Full body calisthenics workout

With a full body calisthenics workout, you train your entire body using only gravity and your own body weight as the load for the training. It’s therefore an effective way to strengthen your body where you can adjust the exercises to suit your level.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

We produce equipment that facilitates a full body calisthenics workout or OCR for public authorities, housing associations, schools and other institutions and help you find the best solution for the outdoor space you have available.

Effective full body calisthenics workout

At NOORD, we design and develop equipment for outdoor training areas where it is possible to do a full body calisthenics workout. We have equipment that is optimal for training the upper muscle groups as well as equipment that focuses on strengthening the lower body. However, much of our equipment is designed with the purpose of being able to do many different exercises with them. That’s why you’ll never get bored training on our equipment, as you can always add a new addition to the exercises.

The tools are therefore a tool to help you do the exercises in a fun and different way. For outdoor training areas, our Spirer Battle Rope is especially popular as it facilitates a fun workout that increases both strength and heart rate.

We collaborate with companies like ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLAND, schønherr and many others with our equipment, production, design and much more to make the best gear possible.
outdoor fitness equipment

Full body calisthenics workout plan

We have created a full body calisthenics workout plan where you can get inspiration for what exercises you can do. You can start by doing these exercises 2-3 times a week, after which you can gradually add more repetitions or do them more frequently.

  • 10 leg raises
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 30 second plank
  • 10 dips
  • 15 squats
  • 15 walking lunges

Outdoor training areas with a focus on the environment

We have created several training areas in parks and schools around the country for schools as well as for full body calisthenics workout. Our equipment is always designed to meet our customers’ wishes, where we can adapt the gear to the desired location. We also provide aesthetic equipment to match the surroundings. Among other things, it is possible to choose from 180 colors for our products, so you can get exactly the training area you dream of.

Read more about our projects
Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

The Scandinavian Center in Aarhus offers free outdoor training In Aarhus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise and work out outdoors. One of the places where it is possible...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.
