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Outdoor workout equipment for multiple exercises.

Calisthenics equipment

By Products
Outdoor durable gym equipment for different exercises
Calisthenics equipment

Calisthenics’ equipment with high functionality and durability, which is aimed at a wide target group, is used more and more often in construction projects for municipalities, on public areas, in schoolyards and at the local association.

At NOORD, we have many years of experience with the design and production of precisely calisthenics equipment.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Our Products

Spirer 110

Product no. NO-001

Spirer 700

Product no. NO-002

Spirer Box

Product no. NO-003-005

Spirer 900

Product no. NO-006

Spirer GHD

Product no. NO-007

Spirer Parallel Bar

Product no. NO-008

Spirer 1800

Product no. NO-009

Spirer 2300

Product no. NO-010

Spirer Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-011

Spirer Incline Bench

Product no. NO-012

Spirer Straight Bench

Product no. NO-013

Spirer Sign

Product no. NO-014

Spirer Mini Parallel

Product no. NO-015

Spirer Park Bench

Product no. NO-016

Spirer Pilates – Ø35/50/65

Product no. NO-017-019

Spirer EPDM Pilates

Product no. NO-020-022

Spirer Plateau – Ø75/100/150

Product no. NO-023-025

Spirer Battle Rope – Short

Product no. NO-026

Spirer Battle Rope – Long

Product no. NO-027

Spirer Sign – Vertical

Product no. NO-028

Spirer TRX – Short

Product no. NO-029

Spirer TRX – Long

Product no. NO-030

Spirer Double Monkey Bar

Product no. NO-031

Spirer Arched Monkey

Product no. NO-032

Spirer Workout Stairs

Product no. NO-033

Spirer Hammock

Product no. NO-034

Contact Us

At NOORD, a successful project starts with a good collaboration. We can help you all the way from the initial idea to the finished project. We are an outdoor fitness manufacturer, and our skilled project managers and graphic designers help you visualise and select the equipment that best suits your needs.

We provide a finished 3D drawing of the entire area so that you as a customer can easily see what the finished project will look like.

Outdoor gym equipment for Calisthenics

Calisthenics is an increasingly popular type of workout that is based on using your own bodyweight for strength exercises. This means you can do a Calisthenics workout basically anywhere and at any time with no equipment.

With beautiful and functional outdoor gym equipment from NOORD you can design a fitness park that can be the base for many different kinds of exercise such as Calisthenics, Crossfit, HIIT sessions or circle training. 

Explore our collection of outdoor gym equipment and get inspired.

calisthenic equipment

Reasons to invest in NOORD outdoor gym equipment

If you wish to invest in outdoor gym equipment that is both multifunctional, aesthetically pleasing, safe and durable, the NOORD’s series of outdoor gym equipment called “Spirer” is for you. 

Multifunctional equipment for strengthening and stretching

Not only can you utilise NOORD outdoor gym equipment for various strength workouts, you can also use it for stretching. Additionally, each piece of equipment is designed to help you do a number of different exercises.

Naturally compliments its surroundings

The word “Spirer” means “seeds” or “sprouts” in Danish and honouring this, NOORD equipment is designed to naturally sprout out of its environment and become a beautiful addition to it.

Safe and endurable equipment

All of NOORD’s equipment lives up to the European DS/EN16630 safety regulations for outdoor gym equipment. The equipment is designed with no bolts or joints which not only makes it safer, but also minimises maintenance. 

We mainly use two different durable types of materials for our equipment:

  • Steel that has been rust protected and which has a powder varnish that protects it from getting scratches and keeps the equipment looking great for years to come
  • EPDM rubber which is known for its resistance to changing temperatures and weather conditions

What is the best equipment for Calisthenics?

The best equipment for Calisthenics is simply your body because Calisthenics uses the resistance of your body along with gravity to strengthen your muscles. However, multifunctional equipment such as different kinds of workout bars are suitable if you want to increase the difficulty and variety of exercises. For an example, the Spirer MONKEY BAR from NOORD’s collection of outdoor gym equipment can be utilised for multiple exercises such as leg raises, pull-ups and arm walks.

What equipment is needed for Calisthenics at home?

With Calisthenics you make use of your body weight to do strength training. Therefore you do not need equipment such as hand weights to do your workout. However, simple equipment such as a pull up bar can come in handy in order to increase the variety but also the difficulty of the exercises you do.

Everyone can use Calisthenics equipment

Calisthenics equipment can be used by anyone regardless of fitness level. This is because you use your own body weight and it’s possible to adjust the exercises to your own level. All ages can therefore benefit from training with this equipment and enjoy a more active daily life.

It is therefore an ideal gathering place for both children and young people to meet and be active together. Adults can also easily switch their gym membership to calisthenics and get a social and active workout outdoors.

Exercise with your own body weight

Some people think that you can’t have an effective workout without using heavy weights. This is far from true. When you train with our Calisthenics equipment, you train both strength and cardio.

By using your body weight as a load, you increase the difficulty or intensity by doing more repetitions or doing the exercise in a different way. You can therefore easily develop the exercises to suit a higher level and build up your muscle mass.

How to use Calisthenics equipment

On our site you can always find inspiration for what exercises you can do on our Calisthenics equipment. Here you will find examples of how to use the equipment in different ways, where it is also shown which muscle groups are targeted.

This makes it easy to train with our equipment, as you don’t have to come up with the exercises yourself. However, our equipment can be used in many different ways, so there is always room to be creative with the exercises or adjust them to your training level.

Calisthenics equipment in Danish design

At NOORD, we are very proud of our Danish roots, and all our products are of Danish design and produced in Denmark. Our Calisthenics equipment is both elegant and functional, with a design that contributes positively to the surroundings.

We also focus on making our production as sustainable as possible. Our equipment is made from 100% recyclable steel and this is just one of the ways we reduce our CO2 footprint. You can read more about our sustainability profile.

Extremely durable materials

Our equipment is made from extremely durable materials, which means they can last for many years. In Denmark, there are often periods of bad and changeable weather, so it was important that our equipment could withstand the Danish weather.

In addition, they require minimal maintenance and have a vandalism-proof surface. They can therefore be left outdoors for many years and be used without damage.

We have collaborated with ZYSCOVICHBIGSINAIOPLANDschønherr and many others.

Read more about our projects
Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Welcome to a huge project on 5.5 hectares in the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, which will be a new recreational offer for the...

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Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

NOORD durable outdoor sport equipment for back hyperextension and sit up

Outdoor Crossfit equipment

By Products
NOORD durable outdoor sport equipment for back hyperextension and sit up
Outdoor gym equipment for Crossfit

Crossfit equipment with high functionality and durability, which is aimed at a wide target group, is being used more and more often in construction projects for municipalities, on public areas, in schoolyards and at the local association.

At NOORD, we have many years of experience with the design, production and sale of specifically crossfit equipment.

Danish design and production
180 standard RAL colors
According to EN 16630
Minimal maintenance

Outdoor crossfit equipment

Outdoor crossfit equipment is functional and elegantly designed equipment that is made to blend naturally into its surroundings. NOORD gym equipment is suitable for multiple sports disciplines including the popular and intense workout called Crossfit. 

Crossfit is a challenging and powerful workout that has gained huge popularity over the years. You can do Crossfit almost anywhere and with very little equipment and it doesn’t have to take longer than 20 minutes to complete the Workout of the Day (WOD). 

With NOORD’s outdoor gym equipment you can create a fitness park tailored to your needs and get your Crossfit workout on.

Multifunctional NOORD equipment to complete your workout

There are several reasons why NOORD equipment is suitable for outdoor crossfit equipment. Our designs are made with a special focus on multifunctionality, safety and design. 


Crossfit exercises are based on movements you do in your everyday life such as squatting, pulling and pushing. Therefore you find many variations of squats, push-ups, pull-ups or jumps in the different Crossfit workouts. 

NOORD outdoor crossfit equipment is designed to be used for multiple exercises. If you’re doing inclined push-ups and box jumps in your workout, we can recommend our Spirer BOX. Similarly you will find that all our equipment can help you complete a whole variety of exercises.


All of our outdoor crossfit equipment lives up to the European DS/EN16630 safety regulations for outdoor gym equipment. Furthermore our equipment is designed without bolts or joints, which not only makes it safer to use but also keeps maintenance at a minimum.

Our equipment is made from EPDM rubber, which is resistant to changing temperatures and harsh weather conditions, and from rust protected steel with a powder varnish which protects the equipment from getting scratches. 


Our line of outdoor gym outdoor crossfit equipment is named “Spirer”, which means “Sprouts” or “Seeds” in Danish. In accordance with the name our equipment is designed to naturally sprout out of its surroundings and be a beautiful addition to its environment. You can order our equipment in up to 180 gorgeous RAL colours.

What can you do outside of CrossFit?

If you enjoy less intense workouts but you like the exercises Crossfit offers, you can implement them at a slower pace in your own workout. You can also use NOORD’s outdoor crossfit equipment for HIIT exercises if you don’t want to do strength training.

Can you do CrossFit outdoors?

Crossfit is perfect for the outdoors. It’s a short and intense workout that’ll warm you up quickly and keep you warm. Furthermore, you do not need a lot of outdoor crossfit equipment to get started. With a few basic exercises you can get a complete Crossfit workout done. 

Outdoor elegant fitness equipment for calisthencis exercises from NOORD

Start your training journey

It’s never too late to get started with a good workout routine, and our outdoor crossfit equipment is the perfect way to start. Our gym equipment makes training easy and effective, so you can easily get your daily movement.
Whether you use our outdoor crossfit equipment at home or elsewhere, you’ll be able to do a variety of exercises. It’s all about trial and error so you can get comfortable with your workout routine. Our equipment is extremely durable, so you can’t go wrong as long as you take care of your own body.

Try it out

No one expects training to be easy. Many people make the mistake of pushing their bodies too hard to begin with, leading them to give up hope of a good exercise routine.
Our outdoor crossfit equipment is made to be both functional and durable. It’s therefore perfect for both advanced and beginners as it can be used in many different ways. Sometimes it’s about taking one step at a time and then building up.
Before you know it, you’ll have created new good habits for yourself by using our CrossFit gym equipment.
Outdoor crossfit equipment on a roofop

Exercise in all weather conditions

Our outdoor crossfit equipment makes it possible to train in any weather. It can withstand all weather conditions, so all you need to do is put on your clothes and shoes and head outdoors to get some exercise in.
It’s the perfect way to combine exercise and fresh air, and you’ll quickly notice how good it feels in your body afterwards. For many, exercise can become completely addictive as it’s a form of self-care where you take care of your body and soul.

Get inspired

Our website is full of inspiration to help you better imagine your future outdoor gym. Whether it’s for yourself, a public place or an institution, our outdoor crossfit equipment guarantees years of enjoyment.
We are also happy to talk to you if you have any doubts about how to proceed. The only limit is your imagination when it comes to building a small or large crossfit outdoor gym.
FAQ about outdoor CrossFit
What are the benefits of doing Crossfit?

Crossfit is small intense workouts of 10-25 minutes, which are therefore perfect for you with a busy everyday life or you who want the training to be over quickly. You can easily adjust the various Crossfit exercises to your level, so that you can start comfortably and slowly build up both your fitness, fat burning and, not least, strength. It is an all-round workout that activates your whole body and thus gives you an effective workout.

Who do we typically deliver CrossFit equipment to?

We typically deliver our training equipment to CrossFit boxes and gyms that have an outdoor area where you can train.

How many people can use the equipment at the same time?

Our various products can be used by several people at once, if you e.g. choose Sprouts Monkey Bars.

Read more about our projects
Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

We have collaborated with SCAPEBIG, PLH, OPLANDschønherr and many others.

Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

By Products
Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York
Hudson River Park Manhattan

Welcome to a huge project on 5.5 hectares in the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, which will be a new recreational offer for the residents of New York. The area was originally laid out on the remains of fill from a land reclamation project that was supposed to expand Manhattan in the 1830s. This gave the renowned New York-based firm of James Corner Field Operations, landscape architects and urban designers, a fantastic opportunity to incorporate both ecological restoration and water access into the project, which would not be possible on a typical Hudson River Park pier .

Green oasis in the middle of the city

James Corner Field Operations was responsible for designing the project in close collaboration with the surrounding community, which was given ample opportunity to provide input through a series of meetings and workshops, resulting in a design that combines both active and passive uses.

The area will be a green oasis, with a salt marsh on the north side that will be unique on the Manhattan side of the Hudson River. Native grasses and plantings will provide a valuable habitat while giving park users an insight into the environmental benefits of tidal ecosystems.

The south side of the peninsula will feature Manhattan’s first public beach. The beach will feature a rocky shore and will allow kayakers and other small boaters to access the river – but it will also invite relaxation and views of the river.

North of the beach will be a lawn and seating area, as well as a large multi-use sports field surrounded by clusters of trees.

Along the western side of the peninsula there will be a dog walking area, picnic tables and sun loungers.

Outdoor gym equipment for park in New York made by NOORD

One of the world's best-known architectural houses chose outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD

There will be gardens, promenades and a fitness area – and for the fitness area the architect has chosen NOORD’s powder coated outdoor fitness equipment, which is weatherproof and has no moving parts, i.e., there are no screws, bolts or anything else that can be removed from the equipment and used for vandalism.

Like all exercise equipment in NOORD’s Spirer series, the equipment supplied for this project is designed to create an aesthetic and functional exercise area in residential areas, school playgrounds and public parks. The equipment is ideal for public spaces and is designed for training with your own body weight, minimizing the risk of overuse injuries. The equipment can be used by anyone regardless of gender, age and fitness level.

Outdoor fitness equipment is often used when architects such as James Corner Field Operations design public parks, urban spaces, rooftops or other places where a wide audience should have the opportunity to exercise in the open air.

Fitness equipment from NOORD will adorn a prestigious project in New York

It was with pride and joy that we sent the shipment to New York, with all the elegant fitness equipment that will now be part of the big prestige project at the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, Manhattan. Tourists from all over the world and local residents will have the opportunity to experience the beautiful park and underneath also the outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD’s Spirer series.

The work is in full swing and is expected to be completed during 2023 – New York, here we come!

Read more about our projects

Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor gym equipment from Noord for training at park

Outdoor Gym equipment

By Products
Outdoor durable gym equipment for different exercises
Outdoor Gym - Your leading outdoor fitness equipment specialist

Gym equipment with high functionality and durability, aimed at a wide target group, is used more and more often in construction projects for municipalities, in public areas, schoolyards and at the local association.

At NOORD, we have 30 years of experience with the design and production of gym equipment. and have installed more that 1,700 fitness solutions.

Outdoor gym and fitness equipment by NOORD

Welcome to NOORD Outdoor Fitness – Your ultimate destination for outdoor gym and fitness equipment. 

Experience the future of fitness with NOORD Outdoor Fitness, the premier provider of functional and durable outdoor gym equipment. Our innovative designs and durable construction will elevate workout routines and transform your outdoor space into an active oasis. We have installed more than 1,700 outdoor gym solutions across the globe, and offer a large range of products.

Our unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction and product quality, coupled with our commitment to combating the growing obesity crisis, drives our success.

Our success at NOORD Outdoor Fitness is fueled by three core passions.
First and foremost, we are committed to our customers and end users, ensuring an unparalleled experience.
Secondly, we are obsessed with delivering top-notch quality in all our products.
Lastly, our driving ambition is to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Born from a passion for promoting fitness and well-being, NOORD Outdoor Fitness has been actively contributing to the worlds fitness for decades.

Outdoor workout equipment for calisthenics exercices from Noord

What are the advantages of outdoor gym equipment?

Beyond the obvious perk of enjoying a workout in the fresh air instead of a stuffy gym, there’s a plethora of benefits to discover.

  1. Cost-Free Accessibility: Outdoor gyms in community spaces and public parks are open to the public without any membership fees or binding contracts. Say goodbye to restrictive timings and enjoy the freedom to use outdoor fitness equipment whenever suits your schedule.

  2. Energy-Efficient and Green: Unlike indoor gym equipment that relies on electricity, outdoor gyms are designed to operate solely on the user’s power. This not only saves energy but also encourages people to connect with the green spaces in their communities.

  3. Self-Guided Workouts: No need for an instructor with outdoor fitness equipment. The apparatus is user-friendly and safe, utilizing resistance from the user’s own bodyweight. The public setting promotes sociability, making outdoor gyms perfect for group exercises and fostering strong, healthy communities.

  4. Health in Nature: Exercising outdoors offers more than just muscle strengthening and calorie burning. Bask in extra doses of vitamin D from the sun and experience a mood boost from the fresh air – a holistic approach to well-being that goes beyond traditional gym settings.

Spirer TRX - Public fitness tool by NOORD

Wide range of fitness equipment crafted by sport professionals

NOORD Outdoor Fitness offers an extensive range of outdoor exercise equipment meticulously crafted by sports and exercise professionals.

Our products are engineered to cater to a wide spectrum of fitness goals – whether it’s building strength in major muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular fitness, or improving flexibility, balance, and coordination.

Each item undergoes testing, surpassing the required standards for quality assurance.

With robust and durable construction, our gyms are backed by substantial guarantees, ensuring a lasting investment that stands the test of time.

Horizontal Ladder Double - Outdoor obstacles to train for free and without limitations

Get fit, have Fun: Dive into our adult outdoor gym equipment

Discover over 30 unique pieces of outdoor fitness equipment and obstacle course race products at NOORD Outdoor Fitness, offering the perfect canvas to create customized outdoor gym experiences for adults. This diverse range caters to everything from playful aerobic exercises to serious muscle building, ensuring each outdoor gym is precisely tailored to meet user requirements.

Consider a student on a university or college campus, opting for the challenging Monkey Bar or the Network of Wires. In areas with aging populations, older adults may find the Spirer Stairs or Spirer 700 more beneficial. NOORD Outdoor Fitness guarantees that each outdoor gym is a perfect fit for the user’s needs.

Physical exercise not only improves fitness, stamina, and strength but also provides a chance to play and have fun. Our outdoor gym equipment is designed to be sociable, fostering connections among users.

For instance, the Spirer 700 and Spirer 1800 allow face-to-face exercises for motivation and conversation. The Jungle Walk which challenges and invite to a competitive match between friends of who overcomes the obstacle first. The Spirer Double Monkey Bar or Spirer Arched Monkey Bar takes sociability to the next level, enabling 10 people to use the equipment at once – perfect for teams or groups of friends looking to stay active while catching up and using accessories like TRX.

Children's Outdoor Gym Equipment

Outdoor gyms are like wonderlands for cultivating healthy, active children. They provide the perfect stepping stone from playground adventures to using real gym equipment, ensuring that young muscles stay strong and a lifelong love for exercise blossoms.

At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, we’ve got the little ones covered too. For the younger kiddos in primary school, we’ve crafted pint-sized versions of our most-loved equipment. Think Children’s Air Skier, Children’s Cardio Combi, and Children’s Monkey Bars – specially designed for those early fitness explorations.

As kids grow into their senior school and college years, it’s time to level up to the adult-sized gym gear. The Parallel Gym Bars, Twist & Step, Big Rig, and the Air Walker are all the rage for this age group, offering the perfect mix of challenge and fun. 

A Journey to Cardiovascular Wellness

Cardiovascular exercise is the secret sauce for a healthy heart – it gets that blood pumping, keeping your cardiovascular system in top-notch shape. And here’s the prescription: doctors recommend a weekly dose of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise to keep your ticker in tip-top condition.

At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, we’ve got your heart’s back with over 20 outdoor fitness equipment options tailored for cardiovascular workouts. Think classics like the Bicycle and Cross-country Skier or kick it up a notch with the adventurous Air Skier and Arm and Pedal Bike. Whether you’re on a mission for a heart-healthy routine or looking to add a dash of excitement to your workout, we’ve got just the thing for you.

Unleashing the Benefits of Resistance Training

Resistance training is the key to building robust muscles and enduring strength, achieved by lifting, pulling, or pushing against resistance. Whether it’s the force of gravity, weights, or your own body weight, these exercises pave the way for a stronger, more resilient you.

Step into a realm of targeted muscle empowerment with our top picks for outdoor gym equipment tailored for resistance training. Engage your upper body with the Resistance Bicep Curl, Resistance Shoulder Press, and the mighty Resistance Bench Press. And for a leg day like no other, challenge yourself with the Resistance Stepper, the commanding Resistance Leg Press, and the empowering Resistance Squat Station.

Enhance Flexibility and Balance with NOORD Outdoor Fitness

Certain exercises bring a dual benefit, offering not just a workout but an improvement in flexibility and balance. Integrating these exercises into your routine can enhance the body’s range of motion in joints, providing a protective shield against falls and injuries. At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, we bring you a selection of 24 outdoor gym equipment pieces dedicated to fostering balance and flexibility.

Improve your coordination with the Hip Twister, Double Air Walker, and the ever-popular Balance Beams. Dive into exercises like the T’ai Chi Spinners and Elliptical Cross Trainer to promote flexibility in your joints and muscles, steering clear of stiffness and its associated issues.

Wire Obstacle Double - Obstacle Course Racing in public parks and green areas

Fitness Journey with Strength Training

Strength training is your key to fortifying muscle strength, building mass, and safeguarding bone density. These exercises are not just about raw power – they combat weakness, fragility, and significantly lower the risk of osteoporosis while reducing the chances of injury. At NOORD Outdoor Fitness, our outdoor strength equipment, including the robust Big Rig, Self-Weighted Rower, and Sit Up Benches, is designed to sculpt essential strength.

Engage your body’s natural strength with equipment like the Chin Up Bars, Parallel Bars, and Horizontal Ladder, relying on your own body weight to foster resilience. Step into a realm where strength isn’t just a goal; it’s a journey toward a more robust and injury-resistant you.

Spirer Parallel Bar - Outdoor equipment for calisthenics exercises
Case studies

Hudson River Park Manhattan - Green oasis in the city

A globally renowned architectural firm has opted for NOORD’s outdoor fitness equipment for an upcoming project. The designated space will feature gardens, promenades, and a fitness area, with the architect selecting NOORD’s powder-coated outdoor fitness gear. This equipment, renowned for being weatherproof and devoid of any removable parts such as screws or bolts, ensures resistance to vandalism.

Part of NOORD’s Spirer series, the fitness equipment for this project is meticulously crafted to blend aesthetics with functionality, creating appealing exercise zones in residential areas, school playgrounds, and public parks. Tailored for public spaces, it emphasizes training with body weight, minimizing the risk of overuse injuries. Versatile and inclusive, this equipment caters to individuals of all genders, ages, and fitness levels.

Architects, including those from renowned firms like James Corner Field Operations, often turn to outdoor fitness equipment, especially in the design of public parks, urban spaces, rooftops, or any area intended for diverse audiences to exercise in the open air.

Berlin, "Das Minsk" is the reconstruction of the terrace restaurant from the GDR era

At the foot of the Minsk Museum, the Brauhausberg terraces have also been recreated in the style of the GDR model. The terraces form a beautiful entrance from the station to Brauhausberg and offer an unobstructed view of ‘Das Minsk’. Three large terraces with fountains, lawns and a playground have been created on the approximately 6,000 square metre area between the art museum “Das Minsk”, the swimming centre “blu” and the Leipziger Dreieck. Each of the lawns has a fountain in one corner and two further fountains flank the staircase to “Das Minsk”, creating a special entrance for visitors to the museum. The central square is now reminiscent of the square of the former GDR.  

Contact Us

If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Read more about our projects

Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Parks with SUDS technology

By Projects
City parks with an attractive park environment and fitness equipments
City parks with SUDS technology and fitness equipment

Parks around the world are being transformed into multifunctional areas that serve both as green spaces and as local water collection and drainage facilities. This is done through the implementation of SUDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) technologies, which have proven to be an effective way to manage rainwater in urban areas.

City parks combine SUDS technology and an attractive park environment

SUDS technology is based on the principle of mimicking nature’s water cycle by using different techniques to collect, filter, and use rainwater locally. When rainwater is collected locally, it can be used to water plants and lawns, replenish groundwater, prevent flooding and reduce the load on the city’s sewage system.

NOORD became part of such a SUDS project when Vejle Municipality in Denmark, as part of a larger climate project, created a park with SUDS facilities and activity options for the city’s residents. NOORD has delivered outdoor fitness equipment for the new climate park in Vejle.

The climate park is a sub-project in the large “Climate Project East Town”. In the climate park, the route by which the water is channelled to Vejle Fjord is made visible by setting up white concrete elements that shoot up among the green grass.

Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Dimensions corresponding to a 100-year rain event

Changes have been made to the terrain so that the entire Tommy Troelsen Park with its three independent basins can hold a total of 5,300 cubic meters of water, dimensioned for a 100-year rainfall event.

SUDS systems like this are not uncommon in Denmark, as they are a long-term solution to the changes that come in the wake of climate change

In addition to serving as a green recreational area for the city’s inhabitants, the park functions both as an innovative activity area with ball, multi- and roller courts and as a wastewater engineering facility with three rainwater basins. In this way, rainwater is stored in the city’s green areas during future heavy rainfall in what looks like an ordinary activity park on a day-to-day basis.

Fitness equipment from NOORD is extremely durable regardless of the amount of water

Tommy Troelsen Park includes a 153 m2 outdoor fitness area with exercise equipment from NOORD. Our outdoor training and fitness equipment is specially designed for use in parks and public areas and can be used by everyone, regardless of gender, age and fitness level.

NOORD’s equipment can withstand large amounts of water without any problems, both the construction and surface treatment of the outdoor fitness equipment is designed to withstand all weather conditions – even in a park that functions as a SUDS facility at times when massive amounts of water can fall.

Millennium Park in Chicago - The world's largest park with LAR facilities

In many other parts of the world, there are different variations of parks that serve both as SUDS facilities and as parks for tourists and city residents throughout the year.

One of the largest parks with a SUDS system is Millennium Park in Chicago, USA. The park is known for its large reflective LURIE glass, which is a 9,300 m2 water mirror that acts as a SUDS system. The glass collects rainwater and sends it through a filtration process before it is used to water the plants in the park.

Another park with a large SUDS system is Suzhou Bay in China. The park is an example of how SUDS technology can be used to transform former industrial areas into green oases. The park has an extensive system of water channels and wetlands designed to collect, filter, and store rainwater. The park also contains a number of tourist attractions, including a botanical garden, a zoo and a maritime museum.

Outdoor fitness equipment for leg raises and pull ups from NOORD

Recycling rainwater is an environmentally sound solution

The many examples of SUDS parks in different parts of the world show how LAR technology can be used to transform urban areas into green, multifunctional spaces that benefit both the environment and the local

community. By collecting and reusing rainwater, SUDS parks can also help reduce the burden on urban sewerage systems and minimise the risk of flooding.

Read more about our projects
Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

By Products
Outdoor fitness equipment to motivate young people made by Danish company NOORD
The Scandinavian Center in Aarhus offers free outdoor training

In Aarhus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise and work out outdoors. One of the places where it is possible to train for free and undisturbed is at the Scandinavian Center, where some of NOORD’s beautiful and sculptural outdoor fitness equipment has been installed.

Outdoor fitness equipment should motivate young people to a healthier lifestyle

Today, Scandinavian Center Aarhus houses a wide range of facilities such as a hotel, business, private hospital, fitness, etc. The center is located in the heart of Aarhus and very close to the city’s cultural life, with, among other things, the Concert Hall “Musikhuset”, City Hall Square and “Godsbanen” (the freight railway) as its closest neighbours. In the centre of the buildings at the Scandinavian Center, a cozy courtyard environment with benches and plants has been established.

The common recreational areas with an outdoor fitness area with exercise equipment from NOORD are a focal point for the entire area, where one can exercise, socialize and relax at the same time.

The area with 9 different pieces of exercise equipment is located on the roof of the building’s underground car park. The equipment will help to keep the young people living in the Scandinavian Center’s housing occupied in a healthy and inspiring way.

Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

The range of outdoor exercise equipment is large

At the Scandinavian Center, “Spirerne” adorn a rooftop terrace for the benefit of residents and tourists in the center of Aarhus. The rooftop terrace has equipment such as parallel bars, bars for triceps dips, Spirer Boxes for lounges, pull-up bars at different heights for exercises such as straight bar dips, pull-ups and windshield wipers, and incline bench for various abdominal exercises.

Fitness equipment in beautiful Danish design

From the very beginning, NOORD has focused on design when it comes to products for urban spaces. That is why we have developed outdoor fitness equipment in a beautiful design that resembles beautiful sculptures and thus does not spoil an area close to housing, terraces, and cozy corners.

Exercising outdoors is becoming increasingly popular, and there are several good reasons for this. First and foremost, it is a fantastic way to enjoy nature while getting some exercise.

Read more about our projects
Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Schools and Educational Institutions

By Products
Outdoor durable fitness equipment at Danish school from NOORD
Schools and educational institutions want to activate students

It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal requirement for all pupils to be physically active for 45 minutes during the school day.

With outdoor fitness equipment at schools and educational institutions, the schools make it possible and attractive for pupils to move and be active together during recess, sports lessons and outside school hours.

Danish school establishes outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD

The Danish primary school Vonsild Skole has a beautiful area with outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD. In one area of the school’s premises, they wanted to create a framework for activity and recreational areas for the school’s oldest grades. This area was to contain both places where those who just wanted to sit nearby and watch and socialize could be, and some activities for those who want to burn off some energy.

In a collaboration between the school’s management, a working group set up by the school and one of NOORD’s project managers, we have put together a functional and beautiful area that provides space for both physical activity and socialising.

The local area benefits from the exercise equipment

The area has the advantage of being located so that fitness exercisers and other locals can use it outside school opening hours, which was one of the goals of the new investments. The schools and educational institutions become part of the neighbourhood, even after school hours.
The school has succeeded in creating environments where young people enjoy hanging out and which are also used by local residents for post-run training or socialising in their free time.
The outdoor training equipment chosen for the area includes everything from our beautiful Monkey Bar, to pull-up bars, abdominal bench, parallel bars and many other pieces of equipment.

NOORD's tools do not signal play equipment and therefore attract the oldest students

School principal Peter Nordborg says: “I firmly believe that learning, play and activity come naturally when the facilities are there. The collaboration with NOORD supports the idea that the facilities should be inviting. Children can’t help but play if there are welcoming facilities. 

Older students will want to exercise and move if the facilities and environment are designed to motivate this age group. The beautiful design of NOORD’s equipment is crucial to the overall experience. This equipment does not signal playground equipment, it signals training that appeals to the older students, where it should be a little cool and different.”

Outdoor elegant fitness equipment for calisthencis exercises from NOORD

Colleges and universities demand outdoor fitness equipment

At colleges and universities in Denmark as well as in the rest of the world, we also see an increasing demand for areas with outdoor fitness equipment. At Roskilde Gymnasium in Denmark, the school has chosen to create an area with outdoor fitness equipment near the school’s hall and playing fields, so that during the summer months it is possible to incorporate the equipment into the sports lessons. 

The area is beautifully situated between pines and bushes, which frame the area in the finest way. Underneath the equipment, the school has chosen a rubber surface with its own logo as fall protection. The school’s area with outdoor fitness equipment consists of push-up bars, parallel bars, jump boxes in different heights and bars for triceps extensions.


Why schools and educational institutions should focus on movement

We are proud to present our range of outdoor equipment tailored towards schools and public institutions. By combining learning with movement, we can create a dynamic learning environment that not only benefits individual students and participants, but also strengthens the entire community.
By incorporating movement into teaching, it is possible to engage students in a more active and practical way. Studies show that movement based learning improves comprehension, memory and problem solving skills.
Short breaks for physical activity can also improve students’ concentration and attention. Providing equipment for outdoor play and movement can create opportunities for these important breaks during the school day.
Read more about our projects

Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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Bingfield Park

New and improved park with equipment from NOORD The addition of NOORD’s fitness equipment not only promotes physical activity and wellness but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of...

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Outdoor crossfit equipment on a roofop

Movement brings young people together

Outdoor equipment in schools and public institutions creates a community gathering point. It encourages activity and interaction among both children and adults, strengthening social bonds and a sense of community.
With more opportunities for outdoor play and exercise, the quality of life for everyone in the community improves. Children and families can enjoy being active together, creating healthy habits and lifelong memories.
A well equipped outdoor space at schools and public institutions makes the community more attractive to newcomers and investors. It signals a commitment to health, wellbeing and education, which can attract positive resources to the area.

Get inspired

Not sure how our equipment can be integrated into schools and public institutions? Get inspired by the many suggestions on our website or contact us for guidance.
The sky’s the limit when it comes to putting together equipment from Noord, and it can therefore be combined in a multitude of different ways. Our equipment is suitable for both smaller and larger areas, so it can fit naturally into the area.
No matter what type of fitness track or outdoor training area you want to create in the open air, our equipment can be customized according to your needs and wishes. We have everything you need to create a stimulating and active environment.
Our products are designed with durability and safety in mind. We also offer tailored solutions and advice, so you can be sure that the equipment you choose is a perfect fit for your facility and budget.

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

We have collaborated with SCAPEBIG, PLH, OPLANDschønherr and many others.

Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

By Products
Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment
Facilities for activity park

In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities and facilities for physical activity takes place through the design of urban nature optimised for play and movement as an integrated solution for the desired activities and training elements in urban nature.” Therefore, the choice fell on “Spirerne” – or in English “The Sprouts” –

which symbolises the power that arises in people when they exercise.

The Activity Park at Svanemøllen - Østre Gasværk district

An exciting task lay ahead of us when it became clear that NOORD would have to contribute to the new Activity Ring at Swan Mill in the Østre Gasværk quarter.

NOORD was allocated three areas – one to encourage exercise and various forms of physical activity, and the other two for relaxation, socialising, and resting.

In the initial phase, NOORD worked with Ramboll to propose a number of ideas for the use of the three areas. Ramboll was responsible for advising and delivering different proposals, while NOORD was responsible for designing the areas and creating 3D visualisations of the different options. Below are some of the first proposals for the training area at the Activity Ring.

Training area inspired by active urban nature with space for team training

The training area – the active area inspired by urban nature

With a brief to create an exercise area inspired by urban nature that encourages play and movement, we chose to place the exercise equipment at the edge of the allocated area to create an inviting, airy and inspiring exercise area. The chosen selection of equipment aimed to create an outdoor training area that can be used by everyone, regardless of gender, age and fitness level. An area where one can train alone, but also as a group in the form of circuit training, which is ideal for areas where several uniform pieces of equipment (several of the same model) are installed in a circular manner.

Air and free space for team training

The idea was to create a panna pitch in the centre of the area, which would be the focal point of the active area. A small football pitch, aimed more at the younger audience, but which could also be used by adults for activity, fun, and socialising. However, the panna court was later removed from the project as the area was intended for training muscle groups and not for cardio training, which involves running and increasing the heart rate on a football pitch. The client thought it would be better to create a more open area with space for group training, yoga and other lying exercises on the soft surface. For this surface, the choice fell on a rubber coating in petroleum blue. NOORD provided more than 300 m2 of this coating.

The choice of tools was chosen based on the layout of the area

After several different proposals for the layout of the area and the tools to be placed in it, the choice fell on a composition that provides a wide range of training opportunities for the users.

These 18 pieces of equipment ensure that all muscle groups of the body are exercised. And the instruction sign, Spirer Sign, provides inspiration for exercises on the various pieces of equipment, which include everything from NOORD’s elegant version of jump boxes in three different heights, to abdominal benches, bars of different heights – but of course all with the distinctive and elegant staggered bars of the Spirer series – to Pilates balls, sculptural TRX equipment and the beautiful and multifunctional Monkey Bar.

Focus on safety - we make it easy to comply with the European standard EN:16630

In addition to advising municipalities, housing associations, schools, and architects on the design of training areas and the placement of equipment, at NOORD we focus on making the design of training areas that comply with the applicable EU standards as simple and transparent as possible.

The European standard for permanently installed outdoor exercise equipment in public spaces is EN:16630, which focuses on fall zones and fall distances when designing an outdoor exercise area.

Read more about EN:16630 here

That’s why we at NOORD have made sure that the training equipment can easily be placed in a specific area without having to worry about whether it complies with the rules. For this purpose, we have marked fall sections and safety zones in our DWG files, which can be downloaded for each individual product under the “Training Equipment” tab.

Find the overview of our products here

Explanation of safety zones - blue and green circles

Our DWG files always show blue and green circles around our equipment. The blue circle illustrates the area of movement, the green the training space. In the installation manuals we show examples of what can and cannot overlap which lines. You can find an example of such an installation manual here

The circles are shown in our installation manuals, data sheets and DWG files that can be used in various drawing programmes. Contact us if the files do not work in your programme – we will find a solution.

At NOORD, we are proud to contribute to the project with the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen – Østre Gasværk Kvarteret and are pleased to have been involved all the way from idea over design to final implementation.

Read more about our projects
Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

The Scandinavian Center in Aarhus offers free outdoor training In Aarhus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise and work out outdoors. One of the places where it is possible...

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a...

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Memphis - Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park

NOORD fitness equipment featured at Tom Lee Park The installation of NOORD fitness equipment at Tom Lee Park not only promotes exercise and wellness but also enhances the park’s overall...

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Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD

Minsk Terrasserne

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Outdoor durable fitness equipment in Potsdam Berlin made by NOORD
The square in Potsdam got outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD

At NOORD, we are delighted to be represented on this magnificent new town square in Potsdam, which is both a historic and modern space that ties history together and looks great! New and old blend together, elegantly utilising part of the public space to create a sculptural play and fitness area

In Potsdam, a new attractive city square was inaugurated in autumn 2022.

In Potsdam, a new attractive city square was inaugurated in autumn 2022.

The formerly dilapidated terrace restaurant Minsk from the GDR era, which was bought by Potsdam’s honorary mayor Professor Hasso Plattner and converted and expanded by his foundation into the art museum DAS MINSK, a museum of modern and GDR art, is once again recognisable. Of the original restaurant, only the roof and columns remain, the rest is new, but orientated towards the original architecture. The large window facade overlooks the city and the terrace has a café open to the public.

NOORD's outdoor elegant fitness equipment represented in the Berlin - Minsk terraces

"Das Minsk" is the reconstruction of the terrace restaurant from the GDR era

At the foot of the Minsk Museum, the Brauhausberg terraces have also been recreated in the style of the GDR model. The terraces form a beautiful entrance from the station to Brauhausberg and offer an unobstructed view of ‘Das Minsk’. Three large terraces with fountains, lawns and a playground have been created on the approximately 6,000 square metre area between the art museum “Das Minsk”, the swimming centre “blu” and the Leipziger Dreieck. Each of the lawns has a fountain in one corner and two further fountains flank the staircase to “Das Minsk”, creating a special entrance for visitors to the museum. The central square is now reminiscent of the square of the former GDR.  

Outdoor fitness equipment from NOORD adorns the terraces at the entrance

In front of the entrance to “Blu” there is a terrace-like play and fitness area. NOORD had the pleasure of supplying the outdoor training equipment for the new fitness area, which looks fantastic on the coloured surface, flanked by the green lawns and the “Blu”.

Read more about our projects
Outdoor fitness equipment for parks and urban areas

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark

Elegant fitness park in Roskilde, Denmark NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered a fitness park with outdoor fitness equipment and wetpour rubber surfacing to the municipality of Roskilde in Denmark. The...

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Park area with durable fitness equipment from NOORD

Parks with SUDS technology

City parks with SUDS technology and fitness equipment Parks around the world are being transformed into multifunctional areas that serve both as green spaces and as local water collection and...

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Green oasis with elegant workout fitness equipment at Hudson River Park in New York

Manhattan, New York

Hudson River Park Manhattan Welcome to a huge project on 5.5 hectares in the Hudson River Park on the Gansevoort Peninsula, which will be a new recreational offer for the...

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Activity park for outdoor urban activity with elegant dainsh designed outdoor equipment

Svanemøllen – Activity park

Facilities for activity park In 2019, NOORD was invited to contribute to the Activity Ring at Svanemøllen. The aim was to create a project where “the design of play facilities...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.

New Forensic Psychiatry has received safe fitness equipment for prisons

New Forensic Psychiatry at Sankt Hans in Roskilde

By Outdoor fitness park, Projects, Rooftop inspiration
New Forensic Psychiatry has received safe fitness equipment for prisons
New Forensic Psychiatry at Sankt Hans in Roskilde

An award-winning building was ready for inauguration in 2022. The Danish health building of the year 2022 was the forensic psychiatry at Sankt Hans in Roskilde.

NOORD Outdoor Fitness has delivered the fitness equipment and established the red running path – a wetpour rubber-covered path that winds through the activity garden – and the multi-track that will give patients the opportunity to be active together.

New Forensic Psychiatry at Sankt Hans in Roskilde

In 2014, NOORD was asked to make an offer for fitness equipment for the new forensic psychiatry unit at Sankt Hans in Roskilde – a fantastic project on an area that is 20,600 m2 large and with room for 126 patients. This project has been planned with the WHOLE person in mind. The intention was to create a high-security place that also felt homely and welcoming, with a high degree of freedom of movement, good exercise opportunities, all of which should help promote patients’ healing and enable them to return to society as soon as possible. We did of course want to be part of such a project!

The choice fell on NOORD’s fitness products partly because of their aesthetic, sculptural appearance, but also because they are made without moving parts. There are no screws, bolts or anything else that can be removed from the fitness equipment to be used as a weapon. Furthermore, the equipment requires minimal maintenance and is easy to mount. View our full range of outdoor fitness equipment.

It obviously takes time to make a project as big as Sankt Hans, but in April 2018 construction started and on October 7th 2021 the new Sankt Hans was inaugurated. Because of the beautiful view over Roskilde Fjord and the many green areas, the staff call it “The View”.

Residential Areas

At the end of 2021, the first patients moved into the new Sankt Hans. They are enjoying a bright, airy and welcoming building, plenty of nature, views of the sky – also from inside the buildings – as well as the fact that each of the eight bed sections has a cozy little oasis of a courtyard with a variety of plants. The courtyard also has a blue “lake” of rubber covering lighting up amidst the greenery. Two pieces of NOORD’s training equipment, “Spirer 700” and “Spirer 1800”, are installed on this blue lake.

New Forensic Psychiatry has gotten new safe fitness equipment with activity garden

Activity Garden

In the center of the settlement, one finds the large activity garden, which is intended as a recreational area with plenty of space for both motions, socializing or maybe even a quiet moment alone sitting on or in one of the garden’s works of art, just enjoying the view and letting thoughts flow? In the future, it will be possible to make small raised beds on which patients with green fingers can develop their skills.

Around and through the activity garden, the red running track winds its way through the area… across lawns, past bronze sculptures and through the garden’s varied planting, past the large fitness area on the covered terrace and on past the football pitch/basketball court on the blue rubber surface at one end of the garden.

The fitness area on the covered terrace also offers several possibilities for training – among others NOORD Outdoor Fitness has supplied our fitness equipment “Spirer 110”, “Spirer 900”, “Spirer Incline Bench” and “Spirer Monkey” for this area. We have also purchased and supplied exercise bikes and other exercise equipment and had them colored to match our products.

We at NOORD Outdoor Fitness are both pleased and proud to have participated in this unique project and for the collaboration with the talented architects.  

Read more about our projects
Bellahøj Outdoor Svimming pool

Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool

Bellahøj outdoor swimming pool adds New Rubber Coating Enhanced Swimming Experience: Upgraded Bellahøj Outdoor Swimming Pool now offers an improved swimming experience with a new non-slip and permeable rubber coating....

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Schools and Educational Institutions

Schools and educational institutions want to activate students It is often difficult to get older pupils to move and be physically active during recess. In Denmark, it is a legal...

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Outdoor exercise area for young people made by NOORD

Scandinavian Center Aarhus

The Scandinavian Center in Aarhus offers free outdoor training In Aarhus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise and work out outdoors. One of the places where it is possible...

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If you are looking for a professional business partner, you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing an extraordinarily good service. Our team has many years of experience and we are happy to be available to you when you need advice or sparring for your project.
